5 Ancient Texts I Wish Were in My Library


My passion for storyology started at a typical young age, but with a desire to do it forever. That's why before I started my true writing journey, I taught writing and reading in high school classrooms in AZ. Later, I started writing part-time toward a goal of being published. All the while, trying to help others like me with my storyology blog.

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4 Responses

  1. I’m interested in why Lucifer hates us so much, the Bible doesn’t cover this, but I think about it sometimes, what made him hate humans especially if we’re lower than he is, and what fuels his hatred, not to fuel some kind of wisdom at knowledge but to understand?

  2. DemoEyeKyo says:

    I think they based their The Arcanum on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronovisor

  3. Fellow eccentric. says:

    I really enjoyed reading through this, not just because the content was interesting but because i could get a glimpse of who you are through your writing. You have a very radiant personality and it shines through your words. Not sure what it was, you just seem decent and authentic. I decided i had to tell you that even though you’ll likely never see this comment. Anyway, be well.

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