Why you should be reading aloud in your classroom!
Okay, I’m sure everyone remembers the carpet on the floor in younger grades, right? Whether you did morning and afternoon routines there or games. Almost for sure, we all got to hear a story...
Okay, I’m sure everyone remembers the carpet on the floor in younger grades, right? Whether you did morning and afternoon routines there or games. Almost for sure, we all got to hear a story...
So… I’m a nerd. You don’t say! I’d never guessed! Yeah, I keep it under wraps pretty well. But, there are times when I just can’t deny my inner literary curiosity and psych-outs about...
Call me “whiny”, but it’s totally unfair that elementary teachers get gifts every year. I mean, c’mon, secondary teachers have more students, do more grading, and build more meaningful bonds with students (when they...
Rather than teach the standards like products, I take the assignment’s purpose and teach the skills to accomplish the same thing with a creative product.
Kids don’t read. A sad fact that is only perpetuated by media and technology. Are media and technology ALWAYS to blame to you? Yes. Literature and stories are not dying, but the need to...
As teachers, we strive to get students to perform at the highest level of the pedagogical taxonomy. Personally, I follow Bloom’s and cross-reference with Maslow’s psychological needs hierarchy. But, why…? It’s complicated. I’ll hit...
How your character speaks is important to understand their background. Rather than info-dump, you can imply it with accent, speech patterns, idioms…
As I started to work on my character development, I had to keep in mind that dialogue is a key feature to understanding a character. How they speak can reveal much of their demographics–let alone the content of their conversation. If you didn’t know that, you know it now.
Grammatically, these are the top two errors to look for when you start editing your drafts. You want your writing to be clear and engaging. Help us to experience everything, but don’t give us a headache.
‘Tis the season to promise yourself the world and disappoint yourself by March. But, there’s a way to increase the chances of you accomplishing those goals.
The type of student that we want to send to college is nothing new. When Common Core compiled their college and career ready list, all teachers–young and new–recognized those descriptions of what we have...
I took three creative writing classes in my bachelor’s, and I plan to take more with an associate’s–because: overachiever. (Yeah, I’m crazy enough to spend money on something that I can read online. That’s...
If you establish these other 5 elements along with the other three, you’re on a roll for a well-crafted story for others to enjoy for years.
A story has to have the substance that reflects life. It’s more than having a bunch of events happen; those events have to have a conflict to drive it.
I get it–it’s easier. But, that doesn’t mean it should be done. It kills me when my high school freshmen mix up motifs and themes. Thinking they’re interchangeable, it makes it almost impossible to...
The poetry market is a smaller one that can be harder to break into. However, there is still a way to get your poems out there. You can publish your work in as simple as 6 steps if you really want to, and this book is how.