Start Here

How can we possibly understand what it means to be human when we only traverse our own lives? There are so many ways to see the world; so many experiences to shape our perspectives. Yet, we’ll only know our own. Can we ever truly appreciate humanity and all it has to offer?

That just got deep…

Yup. Get used to it, ’cause it’s gonna happen a lot here. Stories allow us to live a million other lives beyond our own; to understand people like and unlike ourselves; to capture our culture as it was, is, and can be; to travel the world from our blanket burritos. 

Whether you interpret the stories or tell themyou help to crack open human essence. 

Teetering On Wisdom

is all about storyology craft and understanding. I work to engage readers, writers, teachers, and students with resources and reflections on how to do what they do, better.