8 Book-Inspired DIY Projects You Can Actually Use!
So… I’m a nerd. You don’t say! I’d never guessed! Yeah, I keep it under wraps pretty well. But, there are times when I just can’t deny my inner literary curiosity and psych-outs about...
So… I’m a nerd. You don’t say! I’d never guessed! Yeah, I keep it under wraps pretty well. But, there are times when I just can’t deny my inner literary curiosity and psych-outs about...
*Rapid clicking* She pecked furiously at the keyboard, her pupils dilated from staring at the screen’s bright light for so long. She hadn’t talked to anyone all day–if you didn’t count her characters. They...
Bucket lists are the epitome of YOLO lifestyles. People put on it everything they want to do before they die–no matter how crazy. They’re usually all the things we fantasize about doing but can’t...
Now you know what a writing community is if you read the last post. You can make an informed decision on whether you want to join one. Personally, I suggest it. Like I confessed...
A community is–in a vaguely generic sense–a unified body of individuals with one or more commonalities. The lovely thing about such a definition is that the word can be expanded beyond locality, which is...
A former student of mine, Zane Indie I call him, actually honed in his writing passion through a game. I finally wanted to find out what these “game stories” were all about, so I interviewed him about his journey during 2.5 years playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Considering all of this, the choice is really up to you. It may be exactly what you need to get your writing ball rolling down the hill of no return at great speed. So, here are some lists to help you see what writing retreats are offered from around the world.
If you want to be a good writer, you have to keep reading. So, I aimed for a book a month before last year and that really worked for me. This year I want to aim for two a month. What am I reading that abundantly? My To Be Read (TBR) list includes the following…
We’re gonna write this year! Or… Let’s be real with ourselves: most of us abandon all that -ness by Feb. But, you ABSOLUTELY have to write.
‘Tis the season to promise yourself the world and disappoint yourself by March. But, there’s a way to increase the chances of you accomplishing those goals.
To be a good writer, you have to be a good reader. That’s why I started keeping a reading journal. It’s an excellent tool to keep the reader in me alive!
You know what…? I will do amazing things during NaNoWriMo… Don’t let that voice weigh you down. You do it. I’m right there with you.
I took three creative writing classes in my bachelor’s, and I plan to take more with an associate’s–because: overachiever. (Yeah, I’m crazy enough to spend money on something that I can read online. That’s...
There are so many mixed feelings about NaNoWriMo. I still suggest you join the other 90% who don’t finish the challenge but try it anyway.
Is it just me, or do we only feel like cleaning when we have other, more focused responsibilities? You know what I mean. You have homework to do, you sit down to do it,...
The poetry market is a smaller one that can be harder to break into. However, there is still a way to get your poems out there. You can publish your work in as simple as 6 steps if you really want to, and this book is how.