5 Resolutions for the Reader in You
Happy New Year! After the holidays, I’ve added at least one more shelf worth of books to my home library. Every year, I ask for Barnes & Noble gift cards–though there are plenty more...
Happy New Year! After the holidays, I’ve added at least one more shelf worth of books to my home library. Every year, I ask for Barnes & Noble gift cards–though there are plenty more...
It’s so easy to forget that technical writers are still writers, too. Though they don’t write “traditional stories”, or adopt the “writer” title when doing it for their career, they do still write. They...
Rather than teach the standards like products, I take the assignment’s purpose and teach the skills to accomplish the same thing with a creative product.
As teachers, we strive to get students to perform at the highest level of the pedagogical taxonomy. Personally, I follow Bloom’s and cross-reference with Maslow’s psychological needs hierarchy. But, why…? It’s complicated. I’ll hit...
As writers, we have a tendency to change up how we refer to time as we progress through our work. It’s a pain to go back and change all that; but, you gotta do what you gotta do to ensure your writing is understood how you intend it to be. Tense can have a major effect on just that.
A former student of mine, Zane Indie I call him, actually honed in his writing passion through a game. I finally wanted to find out what these “game stories” were all about, so I interviewed him about his journey during 2.5 years playing Dungeons and Dragons.
As I started to work on my character development, I had to keep in mind that dialogue is a key feature to understanding a character. How they speak can reveal much of their demographics–let alone the content of their conversation. If you didn’t know that, you know it now.
Grammatically, these are the top two errors to look for when you start editing your drafts. You want your writing to be clear and engaging. Help us to experience everything, but don’t give us a headache.
There are a few things you can still do to make sure you’re continuing to focus on your story. Like researching in these 5 ways.
The type of student that we want to send to college is nothing new. When Common Core compiled their college and career ready list, all teachers–young and new–recognized those descriptions of what we have...
I took three creative writing classes in my bachelor’s, and I plan to take more with an associate’s–because: overachiever. (Yeah, I’m crazy enough to spend money on something that I can read online. That’s...
I get it–it’s easier. But, that doesn’t mean it should be done. It kills me when my high school freshmen mix up motifs and themes. Thinking they’re interchangeable, it makes it almost impossible to...
So, there are so many ways you can build your audience and share your work without driving us crazy with spamming. These 4 ways are just a productive few.
“If you’re anything like me, you aren’t in a writing mood very often”; the effects of being a writing teacher. These 5 ways will help you get there, though.
This post includes affiliate links that will lead you to other websites that I do not own. Read the full disclosure here. I was an honors kid growing up. Not gifted, but honors. I...
The poetry market is a smaller one that can be harder to break into. However, there is still a way to get your poems out there. You can publish your work in as simple as 6 steps if you really want to, and this book is how.