What Exactly Do I Put in a Writer’s Journal?


My passion for storyology started at a typical young age, but with a desire to do it forever. That's why before I started my true writing journey, I taught writing and reading in high school classrooms in AZ. Later, I started writing part-time toward a goal of being published. All the while, trying to help others like me with my storyology blog.

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4 Responses

  1. “No other personality profile is motive based. This is the most accurate personality model in existence today. We give you the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’.” -Taylor Hartman PHD The Color personality test goes substantially deeper than any other personality profile, making it infinitely more effective. Unlike other personality profiles,

    The Color personality test not only identifies what you do but why you do it, allowing you to gain much deeper and more useful insights into what makes you and those around you tick. The Color personality test is different than ANY of the other personality profiles on the market today. Your Driving Core Motive determines your needs and wants, which determine how you interact with the world around you.

    The Color personality test helps you to understand why you do what you do versus simply what you do. Full Priced Profile Results Include: A pie chart showing you what you scored in all 4 colors Over 15 pages of customized content that describe your individual personality style in depth Basic descriptions of the other three personality colors A list of your strengths and limitations, according to color category Knowledge of your Secondary Color (if you have one), and how it affects you An explanation of your emotional needs and wants A list of which of your Strengths and Limitations.

    Personal development tips for you to consider Understand how others perceive you and how to play to your strengths rather than fall into patterns that limit your success or damage your reputation. This knowledge can better prepare you for career advancement opportunities now and far into the future.


  2. Ania Kiplan says:

    If you like to move things around and be able to organize more, I’d say to go for the binder. There’s nothing special or specific about having a bound or spiral book. A binder can do just as well. Just get a 1/2 inch binder and call it good! Or, you can always get the five subject notebooks!

  3. These are really great ideas! I’ll be bookmarking this post for future reference.
    I’ve been trying to put one together for awhile now, but I’m not happy with my chosen notebook.
    I would prefer, I think, one that I can shift things around in. Like the mini binders I had back in the day.
    That way I can rearrange, remove/add, and expand or decrease tabs/sections as I need to.
    But then that feels too bulky and clunky, so then I feel like I need something bound or spiral. Thus begins the cycle of procrastination lol.

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